As time progressed, the progression of photo technology evolved to what we now know as the digital camera. According to Dunleavy 2006, it was in the 70's when researchers began exploring the possibility of converting light to create digital images. "Digital camera technology is directly related to and evolved from the same technology that created television images" (Bellis, n.d) Futhermore, Bellis contends that this first digital systems was a Nikon F-3 camera by Kodak in 1986. It was "equipped with a 1.3 megapixel sensor" (today, we are up to 12 megapixels). However, some digital camera timelines show that the first digital camera was the Sony ProMavica MVC-5000 in 1989. Dunleavy 2006 posits that it was not until 1991 when the first professional digital camera system (DCS) was introduced by Kodak (Dunleavy, 2006).
Regardless of when the first digital camera was invented or who introduced it to the market, its development has seen several progressions over time. I would like to introduce a terad that show and how this technology enhances, obsoletes, retrieves, and reverses. It will, therefore, helps us to understand the perspectives behind this emergent technology. Please follow the link below:
Answers to Questions
1. The digital camera takes photo technology to the ultimate level. It uses advanced technology methods to capture pictures.
2. This technology replaces analog pictures to digitized pictures.
3. The digital still operates on the technology found in television pictures.
4. The digital camera may cause users to yearn for high definition pictures and a camera that will hold 1,000 or more pictures using a tiny storage device.
Timeline for History of Digital Cameras
The History of Digital Cameras
The Digital Journalist
History of Photography Timeline